[Statement] Revealed conversations prove persecution against Lula

The International Solidarity Committee in Defence of Lula and Democracy in Brazil, expresses concern about the denunciations made by The Intercept, on Sunday (9) regarding the conduct of members of the task force car wash (Lava Jato) and the hearing Judge, current Minister of Justice and Public Security, Sérgio Moro.
The leaked conversations, especially between the prosecutor Deltan Dallagnol and the judge Sergio Moro, expose the unethical and illegal collaboration between prosecutor and the judge, which violates the principle of impartiality expected in the country’s criminal justice system and constitutes a serious violation of the Brazilian Constitution. In addition, it enlightens the ideological and partisan motivations of the task force car wash, and provides definitive proof of the judicial persecution suffered by former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. Thus, it makes clear that Lula did not at any time have access to a judgment based on the isonomy principles ( the rule of law) throughout the task force car wash.
Therefore, and in view of the protection of the Democratic State of Law itself in the country, the International Solidarity Committee in Defence of Lula and Democracy in Brazil strongly defends the immediate release of Lula, the declaration of nullity of the entire process that culminated in his incarceration, as well as the establishment of a serious and comprehensive investigation into the violations of constitutional laws and principles, committed by the members of the Federal Public Ministry throughout the entire case.
São Paulo 14h June, 2019.