Lula Day 2020: Life, Freedom and Justice for All!

The countdown for the second edition of the international LULA DAY has started! On the 25th, 26th and 27th of October, the event will promote the legacy of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva with multiple virtual and a few in-person events – which will follow all the guidelines required by local health authorities — to discuss social justice fostered during Lula’s governments and to denounce the lawfare responsible for the violations of the former president’s political rights, as well as its consequences for Brazil and its global impact.
The participant countries are Italy, Canada, France, China, United States, United Kingdom, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Israel and Brazil.
The activities, talks and interviews will have topics related to Lula’s legacy and to the current political landscape – such as human rights, fascism, rule of law and the pandemic – will be streamed on Lula Day Facebook, YouTube and on other channels such as ‘Opera Mundi’, ‘Gustavo Conde’ and ‘Canal da Resistência’.
On the 27th, Lula’s 75th birthday, there will be art exhibits, poetry and music to celebrate the steelworker who became one of the most respected world leaders.
Check out the events below! Full program available here.
Italy/Ravenna (in-person): Lula Day Ravenna Committee. At Piazza Dell Popolo; presence of local politicians, discussion about the lawfare against Lula and the attacks against democracy in Brazil.
USA (virtual/in-person): Coletivo AlertaNYC. Interview with the journalists Brian Mier, from Brasil Wire, and David Griscom, from The Michael Brooks Show and Jacobin. Resistance Art Exhibition at Casa de Cultura Harlem. Performance by Tropa de Palhaços de 5a-People’s Parliament.
China (virtual): PT China Nucleus. Presentation on communication and intercultural cooperation in the Brazil-China context; Lula’s contribution to the international relations between the two countries.
Switzerland (virtual). Free Lula Committee Geneva. Tribute to Legacy and International Resistance for Lula’s Full Freedom. With Paulo Pimenta, PT congressman, Fernando Lopes, steelworker (CUT), Gliceria Tupinambá, teacher, activist (Serra do Padeiro village located in the Tupinambá indigenous territory of Olivença, southern Bahia), Lusmarina Campos Garcia, eco-feminist theologian, lutheran pastor, Suzete De Paiva Kourliandsky, Almaa Paris association. Valter Sanches, general
secretary of IndustriAll Global Union from Geneva.
Belgium (virtual) / Free Lula Committee Brussels : The artist Inêz Oludé da Silva will present the project/perpetual calendar “1000 Birds for Lula” and “Poems for Peace”, a tribute to the children “without land” (MST) and “without a house” (MTST).
Israel (virtual): Interview with Eitay Mack, human rights lawyer and activist.
USA (virtual/in-person): BRADO-NY. Interview with the author and journalist Fernando Morais, who is writing a book about Lula. Urban intervention with photos by Ricardo Stuckert.
Spain (virtual): Lula Libre Madrid Committee. Lawfare – Talk with Gerardo Pisarello, jurist and former Barcelona deputy mayor (2015 – 2019), Rafael Valim, jurist, and Gabriela Brochner, political scientist.
Ireland (virtual): Nucleus PT Ireland. Lawfare – Win this war to reestablish democracy! Talk with Wadih Damous, Lula’s lawyer, former president of OAB Rio de Janeiro.
Spain and the United Kingdom (virtual): FIRMES, Lula Libre Madrid and Free Lula Committee UK. Talk with Enio Verri, PT leader, Paulo Pimenta, PT congressman, and Nathalia Urban, TV 247.
Italy/Bologna (in-person): Nucleus PT Bolonha. Music performance by Rogério Tavares.
Italy (virtual): Lula Livre Italian Committee: Talk on the importance of legislative power for democracy; with the journalist Breno Altman, Preta Ferreira, artist and activist, and Marco Consolo, leader of the Italian Communist Refoundation Party.
Co-hosts: Free Lula Committee UK, PT Nucleus Bologna, BRADO-NY (Brazilian Resistance Against Democracy Overthrow), FIRMES (Federación Internacional de Resistencia Migrante en Madrid), Parisian Committee Solidarity with Lula and for Democracy.
Participants (nucleus, committees and collectives):
PT Nucleus Germany
PT Nucleus Bologna
PT Nucleus Madrid
PT Nucleus Paris
PT Nucleus Boston
PT Nucleus Lisbon
Free Lula Committee China
Free Lula Committee Italy
Free Lula Committee Geneva
Free Lula Committee UK
Free Lula Commitee England – Oxford
Free Lula Committee Madrid
Free Lula Committee Brussels
Free Lula Committee Israel
Free Lula Committee Belgium
Parisian Committee Solidarity with Lula and for Democracy
Collective Andorinha – Lisbon
BSI – Brazil Solidarity Initiative
Collective Andorinha – Lisbon
BRASSAR – Brasileiros na Suécia Contra o Golpe
Brazil Liberation Front – Manchester
BSI – Brazil Solidarity Initiative
Roberto Nozaki – independent activist/Canada (author of the song ‘Lula Love’)
FIRMES (Federación Internacional de Resistencia Migrante en Madrid)
BRADO-NY (Brazilian Resistance Against Democracy Overthrow)
Brazil Liberation Front (Manchester)
Brazil Solidarity Initiative – BSI
Contact: Amanda Lisboa | [email protected] | Facebook: Lula Day Page. YouTube: LulaDay